“Your purpose in life is to find your purpose
and give your whole heart and soul to it.”
― Buddha

How I found the
Bridge to the Divine
As a boy, not yet 12, waiting in the dark for sleep, I wondered and worried about my work. Nothing I saw attracted me or even made sense to me. My father was a businessman. What he did baffled me and exhausted him. I thought time would reveal my work.
School and university enlarged my range of vision but revealed nothing about my work. And when I embarked on a career, it was not my heart's desire. Thus began a life of seeking punctuated by periods of settling for less.
I sat for while at the feet of a guru. I traveled to India, the land of many great mystics. I spent several months at a monastery on the island nation of Sri Lanka. I practiced yoga. I meditated, quit meditating, and returned to meditating. I tried going back to the religion of my youth.
In my quest for meaning and fulfillment, I also threw myself onto non-spiritual paths. I lived abroad. I returned home. I changed careers. I earned a PhD and taught at colleges and universities, achieving what I thought was my dream. I had, in fact, achieved my father's dream, the one he abandoned.
I relinquished my father's dream and began to find my own. "It was already late enough," says the poet Mary Oliver, "and a wild night and the road full of fallen branches and stones. But little by little . . . the stars began to burn through the sheets of clouds."
I began to hear and to trust a new voice, which I slowly recognized as my own and which kept me company as I strode deeper and deeper into the world.
I left the university to get trained as a life coach and to launch a private practice. I discovered that I had a gift for intimacy and insight. This was like discovering that I was a magician, a sorcerer, a wizard.
Yet, after a few years, something was still missing. Though I loved what I did, though I was more satisfied than I had ever been, my heart still ached for something more. I wanted a deeper, more precise understanding of my work.
What it took was clearing a path through the natural defenses of my personality, so that I could have a direct connection with a source of wisdom beyond my everyday mind, a source that saw me in much larger perspective than I saw myself, a source that understood who I really was, undistorted by the veils of limiting beliefs.
I opened a two-way conversation with Spirit, and I learned my soul's purpose. I am, Spirit said, "a bridge to the Divine." I bring healers and seekers to the bridge that carries them over the chasm of doubt, fear, and suffering and into the presence of what they have been longing for, even when they thought they had stopped longing.
Here, on the other side of the bridge, they discover, as the Spanish poet Antonio Machado writes, "that I had a beehive here inside my heart. And the golden bees were making white combs and sweet honey from my old failures."
Do you want to make white combs and sweet honey from your old failures? Please join me in one of my trainings.

Guthrie Sayen, PhD, PCC
Guthrie trains coaches and other practitioners worldwide. He created and leads Coaching with Spirit, an ICF-accredited coach training that changes people’s lives. He created and leads the Coaching with IFS programs, which introduce practitioners to the basics of Internal Family Systems then takes them progressively into deeper levels of proficiency and, finally, into an advanced level of confidence and competence. He co-created and co-led Coaching for Self Leadership, which was offered through the IFS Institute and had more than one thousand participants. His mission is to end suffering on this planet by connecting other healers to their own divine light.